Como fazer negócios em Porto Rico: 5 razões para você

For foreign investors looking to enter Latin America and the Caribbean, doing business in Puerto Rico can offer something of a “best of both worlds” in terms of providing many of the benefits that come with a commercial launch in the region, while retaining some of the advantages that investors enjoy at home. If you’re looking at company formation in Puerto Rico, this page will let you know what benefits you can expect.

Key takeaways on doing business in Puerto Rico

Is foreign ownership allowed in Puerto Rico?Yes, a business can be 100% foreign-owned by either legal persons (legal entities) or natural persons (individuals).
Most important sectors in Puerto RicoIndustry accounts for more than 50% of GDP, while the services sector makes up most of the rest. Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, computers, and garments are some of the key export goods produced in Puerto Rico, along with fish and rum
Are there Free Trade Zones in Puerto Rico?Yes, all of Puerto Rico’s main ports have sizeable FTZs which offer significant tax incentives for trade with other parts of the United States and elsewhere.
Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment in Puerto Rico
International linksThe vast majority of Puerto Rico’s foreign trade is with the mainland United States, but US participation in a range of free trade agreements, offers businesses based in Puerto Rico preferential access to a large number of markets around the region.

Doing business in Puerto Rico: The Economy

While Puerto Rico retains many of the cultural and economic features commonly associated with Latin America and the Caribbean, its status as a US territory and the strong ties it has with the United States can be favourable to foreign investors, particularly those from the US mainland and Canada, or other English-speaking countries.

The Puerto Rican economy is characterized by significant manufacturing activity, with industry accounting for more than 50% of GDP, while the services sector accounts for most of the rest, with agriculture generating less than 1%.

Essa divisão econômica se reflete no perfil comercial do território, com produtos farmacêuticos, equipamentos médicos, computadores e vestuário como alguns dos principais produtos de exportação produzidos em Porto Rico, além de peixe e rum. Em 2018, o valor total das exportações atingiu o impressionante valor de US$ 60,57 bilhões.

Call centers are also a growing business activity because of the high level of English proficiency on the island. Puerto Rico is also home to a dynamic startup scene and an increasing pool of tech talent.

Doing business in Puerto Rico means being part of an exciting economy

For investors looking to take advantage of these growing sectors and incorporate a business in Puerto Rico, the island has three free trade zones (FTZs) — known as foreign trade zones in the United States and its territories — that offer lucrative financial incentives to businesses located within their boundaries. Beyond the FTZs, the island also has a huge tourism sector that draws significant overseas investment.

The vast majority of Puerto Rico’s foreign trade is with the mainland United States, but US participation in a range of free trade agreements, offers businesses based in Puerto Rico preferential access to a large number of markets around the region. Nevertheless, the economy relies heavily on the United States, and receives several forms of federal economic aid.

Porto Rico tem visto um aumento significativo no interesse de investidores internacionais nos últimos anos, acompanhado por um aumento no investimento estrangeiro direto (IED), especialmente de países como Canadá, Alemanha, México e Espanha. Os setores mais populares para investimento incluem o setor de telecomunicações, software e serviços de TI, alimentos e bebidas e manufatura.

5 motivos para você fazer negócios em Porto Rico

  1. US territory

Its status as a US territory provides a number of advantages for doing business in Puerto Rico, beyond the simple fact that having the US dollar as its official currency means significant savings on transferring capital into and out of the country for investors based in the US, or who do significant business in dollars. 

O fato de ser um território dos EUA também significa que os processos oficiais geralmente se baseiam nos sistemas dos EUA, o que significa muito menos burocracia do que em alguns outros países da região. Enquanto os fabricantes se beneficiam do fato de poderem rotular seus produtos como “Made in the USA”.

  1. Tax benefits
Common Questions when opening a corporate bank account in Puerto Rico?
Doing business in Puerto Rico connects you to US banking

Fazer negócios em Porto Rico traz consigo uma série de benefícios fiscais que o tornam atraente para os investidores, incluindo uma alíquota de imposto de renda de 4%, uma isenção fiscal de 100% sobre distribuições de ganhos e lucros e uma isenção de 90% de impostos sobre propriedade pessoal para alguns tipos de negócios.

Isso faz com que muitos bens e serviços sejam significativamente mais baratos do que nos Estados Unidos ou em qualquer outro lugar, ao mesmo tempo em que proporciona efetivamente alguns dos benefícios que os investidores buscam em um paraíso fiscal, enquanto permanecem em solo americano.

  1. Prime location

Situada entre a República Dominicana e as Ilhas Virgens Americanas, a localização privilegiada de Porto Rico permite fácil acesso aos mercados da região da América Latina e do Caribe.

Enquanto isso, seus fortes laços com os Estados Unidos significam que voos regulares conectam o Aeroporto Internacional Luis Muñoz Marín, na capital San Juan, a uma série de grandes cidades dos EUA, com voos diretos para Miami que duram menos de três horas.

  1. Good infrastructure

Por ser um território americano, Porto Rico se beneficia de uma infraestrutura consideravelmente melhor do que a de muitos países latino-americanos, com rodovias, escolas, hospitais e serviços públicos bem desenvolvidos.

Além disso, devido à base industrial bem estabelecida, a ilha conta com infraestrutura para apoiar a economia de importação/exportação, com o comércio internacional canalizado principalmente pelo grande porto de contêineres de San Juan.

  1. Significant opportunities

Além de ter uma base industrial bem estabelecida que está preparada para investimentos, Porto Rico também possui um forte ecossistema de startups, com a ilha se tornando um centro de inovação nos últimos anos.

Para reforçar esse ecossistema, há um programa chamado Startup 18, um acelerador com sede em San Juan que já levantou mais de US$ 126 milhões em investimentos e impulsionou mais de 200 empresas desde sua fundação em 2015.

Doing business in Puerto Rico might involve company formation

FAQs on doing business in Puerto Rico

Answers to some of the most common questions we get asked by our clients.

1. Can a foreigner own a business in Puerto Rico?

Yes, a business can be 100% foreign-owned by either legal persons (legal entities) or natural persons (individuals).

2. Are there Free Trade Zones in Puerto Rico?

Yes, all of Puerto Rico’s main ports have sizeable FTZs which offer significant tax incentives for trade with other parts of the United States and elsewhere.

3. How long does it take to register a company in Puerto Rico?

Registering a company in Puerto Rico takes 4 weeks.

4. Which sectors are important in Puerto Rico?

Industry accounts for more than 50% of GDP, while the services sector makes up most of the rest. Pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, computers, and garments are some of the key export goods produced in Puerto Rico, along with fish and rum

5. Does Puerto Rico have trade agreements with other countries?

The vast majority of Puerto Rico’s foreign trade is with the mainland United States, but US participation in a range of free trade agreements, offers businesses based in Puerto Rico preferential access to a large number of markets around the region.

6. What entity types offer Limited Liability in Puerto Rico?

In Puerto Rico, the S.R.L (Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada) is the limited liability company.

O Biz Latin Hub pode ajudar você a fazer negócios em Porto Rico

At Biz Latin Hub, our multilingual team of company formation specialists is equipped to help you doing business in Puerto Rico.

With our complete portfolio of back-office solutions, including legal, accounting, and hiring & PEO services, we can be your single point of contact for entering the market and operating in Puerto Rico, or any of the 17 countries around Latin America and the Caribbean where we are present.

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