Principais dicas para contratar no Uruguai

Unlike many of its neighbors, the small South American nation of Uruguay has enjoyed relative political and economic stability, strong institutions, and comparatively low levels of perceived corruption. With such positive indicators, it’s little wonder that the country is a sought-after jurisdiction by foreign companies and investors – particularly in the tech sector. The country has invested heavily in education for years, and has had success attracting tech firms to its shores for company formation in Uruguay.

Key takeaways

Key sectors in UruguayKey sectors in Uruguay include:
Steps to hiring in UruguayA local advisor can help you with:
Job adverts
CV assessment
Contract writing
Legality of PEO in UruguayIt is legal to hire employees through a professional employer organization in Uruguay.
Minimum wage in Uruguay
The current monthly minimum wage as of January 2025 is $U23,604 (aprox USD$545)
Employer contributions in Uruguay10.5% must be paid of an employee’s gross salary.

Contratação no Uruguai: Quais são as maiores indústrias do país?

Outro aspecto que pode influenciar sua decisão de se incorporar (e depois começar a contratar no Uruguai) é ter uma noção de quais são os setores maiores e de crescimento mais rápido no país. São eles:

  • Carne bovina – As exportações de carne bovina aumentaram desde que o Uruguai aderiu ao acordo do Mercosul em 1991, permitindo que o país alcançasse mercados internacionais.
  • Energia – Embora o Uruguai importe quase todo o seu petróleo bruto, ele tem capacidade para refinar vários produtos petrolíferos e também possui abundantes fontes renováveis de energia.
  • Mineração – Embora esse setor não contribua muito para a economia do país, houve alguma atividade na produção de ouro e cimento, bem como na extração de granito, nos últimos anos.
  • Plásticos Os plásticos são um dos setores mais importantes do Uruguai e um dos principais impulsionadores da economia do país.
  • Telecomunicações – A pequena população do Uruguai permitiu que o país alcançasse 100% de digitalização de suas principais linhas. Recentemente, foram feitos esforços para liberalizar o setor de telecomunicações, permitindo que a iniciativa privada entre no mercado de operadoras de celular.
  • Tourism – The travel and tourism sector accounts for around 10.3 percent of Uruguay’s GDP.

As 6 principais dicas e conselhos para empresas estrangeiras que desejam contratar no Uruguai

Com base em nossa ampla experiência, podemos dar a você seis dicas para facilitar sua busca por um emprego no Uruguai:

  1. A burocracia está viva e bem no Uruguai.
  2. Quais são os benefícios e direitos dos funcionários no Uruguai?
  3. Como funciona a folha de pagamento no Uruguai?
  4. Onde encontrar os funcionários qualificados de que você precisa?
  5. Como atrair e reter os melhores talentos.
  6. Procure freelancers quando necessário.

1. A burocracia está viva e bem no Uruguai

Despite its reputation as an important technology hub in Latin America, setting up shop there is a lengthy, bureaucratic process. There are dozens of documents to collect – from application forms, company documents, approval requests, bank records, etc. Even if everything is in order, an incorporation application takes three months to be processed, and costs roughly USD$5,000. All this needs to be squared away before hiring in Uruguay can begin.

2. Benefícios e direitos dos funcionários no Uruguai

There’s a litany of employee perks and benefits that companies are legally required to give its full-time employees. They include a 13th monthly salary, 20 days’ vacation, overtime must be 2.5 times the regular salary amount, maternity and paternity leave, sick leave, health and pension benefits, and employee termination severance. Also, there are 10 public holidays per year in Uruguay. 

3. Folha de pagamento para empresas no Uruguai

Normalmente, os empregadores são obrigados a reter um total de 12,6% da renda de um funcionário para seguro de saúde, pensão e outras coisas (algo chamado de “Garantia de Crédito Trabalhista”). Ao contratar no Uruguai, as empresas têm a opção de configurar sistemas de folha de pagamento internos ou remotos – o primeiro é ideal para empresas independentes ou subsidiárias, e o segundo sistema adiciona os funcionários uruguaios à folha de pagamento da empresa matriz.

Um infográfico intitulado "Employment Law in Uruguay" detalha as contribuições legais e as horas de trabalho. As contribuições do empregado e do empregador incluem fundos de pensão e de saúde. As horas de trabalho para contratação no Uruguai não devem exceder 48 horas semanais, com pelo menos um dia de descanso por semana. Atualizado em dezembro de 2021.
Hiring in Uruguay means compliance with the labor regulations

4. Onde encontrar os funcionários qualificados de que você precisa

Além de publicar vagas de emprego nas mídias sociais e no site da sua empresa, muitas empresas anunciam em quadros de empregos e sites de freelancers como o UpWork, especialmente para talentos relacionados a TI e tecnologia. As empresas também podem se beneficiar dos serviços de uma agência de recrutamento, de um headhunter local para cargos de nível sênior ou, ainda, aproveitar os serviços de contratação e PEO oferecidos pelo Biz Latin Hub.

5. Atrair e reter os melhores talentos com salários competitivos

Arguably the main driver of the offshoring/nearshoring phenomenon in Latin America is the ability to get highly qualified workers for a fraction of the labor costs of the United States or Europe. This rings true in Uruguay, where labor costs in the tech sector were until recently 40 percent lower than in the United States. But the recent surge in demand for Latin American tech talent has sent salaries skyrocketing; programmers, software developers, designers and engineers have been reported to receive compensation of up to USD$72,000. 

6. Buscar talentos remotos/freelance quando necessário

Se a contratação no Uruguai não estiver indo de acordo com o planejado, você pode contratar um freelancer, trabalhador remoto e/ou prestador de serviços independente para atender a uma necessidade imediata. Isso pode ser temporário ou mais permanente, dependendo do que sua empresa e o contratado acordarem. Se você preferir contratar freelancers qualificados diretamente, tente procurar na Toptal, UpWork ou pesquisar “desenvolvedores de software no Uruguai” no Linkedin, por exemplo.

How much it costs to hire people in Uruguay

The cost of hiring in Uruguay is less than it would be in richer nations, yet workers are often well qualified and skilled. With significant investment in education over a number of years, the Uruguay now has a surfeit of graduates in the labor market that it cannot provide local jobs for. This means that the labor market in Uruguay is relatively competitive for an incoming prospective employer.

The minimum wage in Uruguay is $U23,604 (aprox USD$545). However, this is not necessarily the rate that you should be offering. In top sectors that require qualified and skilled workers, you will need to offer at least market standard rate. A local hiring expert in Uruguay will be invaluable in making sure that you are not overpaying or offering unattractive rates that make it hard to recruit quality talent.

Two options for hiring: establish a company or PEO

When entering the market and hiring in Uruguay, there are essentially two options available to investors and entrepreneurs. The most common way of doing so is through full company formation to establish a presence in the jurisdiction. However, this may take time and effort, meaning that it is worth considering another option as well, using a Professional Employer Organization (PEO).

Infographic titled "Options to Expand Internationally" contrasting two methods: "Establish a local legal entity" (slower, higher costs, full local presence, contracts, invoicing, legal capabilities, direct hires) versus "Hire staff through PEO in Argentina" (no local entity required, light presence, versatile, fewer compliance concerns, easy market exit).
Hiring in Uruguay can be done directly or via PEO

PEO: fast and agile

A Professional Employer Organization (PEO), also known as a ‘Registered Employer’ or ‘Employer of Record’, is an organization that provides and supports companies with their human resources functions, from the early stages of recruitment to the payment of taxes and benefits. PEOs undertake the fundamental and time-consuming tasks of human resources teams, allowing companies to focus on the growth and success of their business.

The services of a PEO are particularly useful when businesses seek to hire a local workforce but do not wish to establish a local legal entity. Simply put, a PEO makes it easy to hire staff in Uruguay through an outsourced provider.

It means you can enter the market and start hiring quickly, without having to commit to full entry until you are sure that it is what you want to do. It is worth noting that regionally there is beginning to be more regulation and PEO in Uruguay may not be viable in the future.

The long-term option: direct hiring

This is the gold standard of hiring in Uruguay, as it will give you full control over your employees as well as being sure that you will be compliant for the long term. It also gives you a higher status with potential job applicants, who will see you as a more secure long-term employer.

Before you start hiring employees in Uruguay, you will first need to get a sense of the legal, financial and cultural lay of the land. Things such as how to sort out the red tape associated with incorporation and how to manage payroll, for example. With a permanent legal presence in Uruguay, you will be fully liable for compliance with local law.

A local expert will help when hiring in Uruguay, as they will have an extensive network of qualified professionals for top jobs as well as a good idea of the local labor market. They will be able to advise on the best rates to offer and what type of profile you should be targeting. With anti-discrimination legislation important in Uruguay, especially for top jobs, they can make sure you are making a fair offer which complies with local law.

After placing adverts and receiving applications, you will want to move towards interviewing potential candidates. This should be done by both a team manager and HR representative at minimum, to make sure that everything is watertight in legal terms. You may want to include other people into the process in order to make a better assessment of the candidate.

It is entirely possible that you may wish to have a second interview, possibly involving other team members as discussed above. It is also common in the region and when hiring in Uruguay to provide candidates with an aptitude task to be completed. This usually takes the form of a dummy task that simulates the type of job that will be done in the future and confirm that they possess the skills cited on their CV.

Contracts, too, will be important. A local advisor will be up to speed on what you can and cannot offer. Bear in mind that you will have to follow all the rules established by Uruguay. This includes details that confirm the point of termination for limited-term work.

Finally, your local advisor will be able to help you with the stages of both the hiring and onboarding process. They will make sure that you comply with standard requirements such as compulsory medical checks and make sure that any probation period is within the boundaries of those established by the labor law in Uruguay. This is generally NUMBER WEEKS/MONTHS.

Labor laws and regulations in Uruguay

Um infográfico intitulado "Índice de Liberdade Econômica do Uruguai 2022" apresenta a pontuação do Uruguai de 70 e a classificação mundial de 34. Classificações regionais: 1. Canadá, 2. Chile, 3. Estados Unidos, 4. Barbados, 5. Uruguai. Principais estatísticas: Direitos de propriedade - 84; liberdade comercial - 75,7; eficácia judicial - 80,4;
O Uruguai é o 5º país da região com a melhor liberdade econômica. O que você deve ter em mente ao contratar no Uruguai

Before making a move into the jurisdiction, it’s important for companies to understand the labor rights and responsibilities of both employers and employees in Uruguay. What follows are a few things that foreign business owners should know about when it comes to the local work culture:

  • Work hours – The standard workday in Uruguay is eight hours, with the standard workweek up to 48 hours.
  • Public holidays – There are 10 public holidays in Uruguay each year.
  • Vacation time – Workers in Uruguay are eligible for 15 days of vacation annually. Women are entitled to 13 weeks’ maternity leave.
  • Contract types – There are essentially two types of contract in Uruguay, indefinite employment and fixed-term employment

FAQs on hiring in Uruguay

Based on our extensive experience these are the common questions we receive from clients when looking to hire in Uruguay.

1. Why hire talent in Uruguay?

Hiring in Uruguay offers access to a large talent pool that is located in the same time zone as the North American market, is culturally similar, and is more economical. The combination allows a company to complement an existing North American based team or to establish an independent nearshoring center within the region.

2. Can I hire top talent in Uruguay?

Arguably the main driver of the offshoring/nearshoring phenomenon in Latin America is the ability to get highly qualified workers for a fraction of the labor costs of the United States or Europe. This rings true in Uruguay, where labor costs in the tech sector were until recently 40 percent lower than in the United States.

But the recent surge in demand for Latin American tech talent has sent salaries skyrocketing; programmers, software developers, designers and engineers have been reported to receive compensation of up to USD$72,000 annually. 

3. What is the level of English for professionals in Uruguay?

The level of English in Uruguay is regionally impressive and in key white collar sectors it is even better. University graduates are expected to complete English language proficiency to at least an intermediate level.

4. What benefits must be offered when hiring in Uruguay?

There’s a litany of employee perks and benefits that companies are legally required to give its full-time employees. They include a 13th monthly salary, 20 days’ vacation, overtime must be 2.5 times the regular salary amount, maternity and paternity leave, sick leave, health and pension benefits, and employee termination severance. Also, there are 10 public holidays per year in Uruguay. 

Biz Latin Hub can help you with hiring in Uruguay

At Biz Latin Hub, we offer a comprehensive range of market entry and back-office solutions across Latin America and the Caribbean. 

With offices in key cities across the region, along with trusted partners in other markets, our extensive reach makes us well-suited to support cross-border operations and multi-jurisdiction market entries.

As well as knowledge about hiring in Uruguay, our portfolio of services includes hiring & PEO accounting & taxation, company formation, bank account opening, and corporate legal services.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can assist you in finding top talent or otherwise doing business in Latin America and the Caribbean.

If this article on tips for hiring in Uruguay was of interest to you, check out the rest of our coverage of the region. Or read about our team and expert authors.

Uma lista visual dos serviços prestados pela Biz Latin Hub. Os serviços incluem formação de empresas, serviços jurídicos, contabilidade e tributação, PEO e recrutamento, abertura de contas bancárias, consultoria tributária e processamento de vistos. As informações de contato são mostradas no canto inferior direito.
Principais serviços oferecidos pelo Biz Latin Hub
Craig Dempsey
Craig Dempsey

Craig é um profissional experiente em negócios na América Latina.
Ele é diretor administrativo e cofundador do Biz Latin Hub Group, especializado no fornecimento de serviços de entrada no mercado e de back office.
Craig é formado em Engenharia Mecânica, com honras, e tem mestrado em Gerenciamento de Projetos pela University of New South Wales.
Craig também é membro ativo do conselho do Australian Colombian Business Council e também do Australian Latin American Business Council.
Craig também é um veterano militar, tendo servido nas forças armadas australianas em várias missões no exterior, e também um ex-executivo de mineração com experiência em várias jurisdições no exterior, incluindo Canadá, Austrália, Peru e Colômbia.

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